“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. _ Jack London
After my long hiatus, it’s time to begin writing again. Some months ago, I was gifted the beautiful book, Whatever You Are, Be a Good One -100 inspirational quotes hand-lettered by Lisa Congdon. Always searching out prompts for my writing, I’m anticipating that some quotes included in the book will provide me with inspiration to begin. The above quote is one of them. Though not a club, the thoughts and beautiful art therein will for certain be a creative stimulus.
Perhaps an explanation is in order after this long gap in publishing my blogs. For months I have been busy assembling and editing past blogs into my book, Breath is the Answer-Invite Calm into Your Life. In journal format, my book offers daily readings encouraging readers to invite more breath-space and calm into their lives. Along with a prompt each page includes room to write thoughts about the events of the day as well as express the effect inserting more pauses and breathing has on the day’s outcome. I hope that at the end of a year this practice of pausing and breathing will become a reliable coping tool. The book is available at https://www.amazon.com/Breath-Answer-INVITE-CALM-INTO/dp/B0C47TV5HR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3IW0HPREIPCAV&keywords=Breath+is+the+answer&qid=1697063465&sprefix=breath+is+the+answer%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-1.
How do you find your own inspiration? I’ll bet it is not with a club. ONWARD! Pause – invite calm and inspiration into YOUR life.