

 “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. _ Jack London After my long hiatus, it’s time to begin writing again. Some months ago, I was gifted the beautiful book, Whatever You Are, Be a Good One -100 inspirational quotes hand-lettered by Lisa Congdon. Always searching out prompts for…

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The state of our troubled world is brought ever more close with the massacre on 14 March 2019, in Christchurch, NZ! No matter whether you are for or against globalization, it is here. Our world becomes smaller and smaller! We feel in our broken hearts and gut the travesties which keep happening not only at home, but…

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OK, the first sentence of this blog, which I drafted several weeks ago, was this: “as we start a New Year I plan to write  more regularly.” It is pretty obvious that I have already not moved forward in this area. For longer than I wish to admit, projects, large and small, have been lying…

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Earlier this week would have been my friend Hyacinth’s 79th birthday. I miss so much about her and I am thankful that I had some time to know her. I smile as I remember the first time we met. We went to the Roanoke, VA airport to meet her and Nelson  when they arrived from Toronto…

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