NOTICE! It is the Little Things!

Sunset at Moss Beach, CA

Sunset at Moss Beach, CA

Every morning around 7:30, 5 days a week, I get into our car and drive out of our garage to carpool. Because we live in a condo and the garage is below the building, at the gate there is a parking attendant sitting in a small booth. Each day we greet each other with a smile and a wave. In the two years we have lived in this building I have interacted with her person-to-person perhaps 2 times. Never-the-less, every morning I look forward to seeing her and miss her if I am earlier or if she is on holiday. The smiles and waves may seem like small things in a day, but they are huge to me. That was my thought as I drove out this morning and again when I returned. How fortunate I felt to have those small moments of caring and sharing.

Such is the value of a single smile of kindness and caring. In our ever so busy and stressful lives this is a gift worth handing out plentifully. As we go through our day lets take the time to pause and remember the value of that single smile. The smile you give has the power to change someone’s day. Pause-Exhale-Breathe! Remember, it is the little things that have the power to bring change.



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