Taking Time to Notice

This week’s blog has a very different vibe from the past few postings, which were a bit on the serious side. I am thinking that my theme this week is observation.  Yes, observation of ourselves and also the world around us.  In the practice of F.M.Alexander’s work we are taught to pause and become more…

Fall, Autumn Leaves, and Hibernation

A famous standard song is Autumn Leaves, lyrics by Frank Sinatra. The first lyrics go like this: The falling leaves/Drift by my window/The falling leaves/Of red and gold… One day last week it seemed as if Fall had truly arrived. But so far, the temperature has not gotten cold enough to produce Fall colour. That day though, the temperature was lower…

Mental Rigidity – A Habit

That is a mouthful! Mental Rigidity! The very idea that mental rigidity can be a habit is even a challenge to contemplate. The other morning I wrote a comment to a friend’s internet post saying I believe the negativity and the hate we see so commonly surrounding us, is habit. Because the mental/emotional side of the…

Twin Towers-Patriotism-Hope

Yesterday was the day on which Americans remember the September 11, 2001 attack upon American soil. Four planes commandeered by men filled with hate and zealous pride for their own ideals crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, The Pentagon in the Nation’s capital, and a field in Pennsylvania.  People around the world…


i have not posted in more time than I realized, nearly 3 months!  Now that Fall is here, my season of new beginnings, I will begin anew. Several times over the summer I have started, but all starts have been left hanging, waiting for a moment of inspiration or motivation to complete. I expect that…

Breathing Coordination – A Tool for Life

 The Breathing Coordination that I teach is a tool for life.  With it we are equipped to face the challenges of our day to day life with ease and confidence.  It does not matter if we are singers or professional speakers, each of us uses our voices daily.  Using Breath as a tool invigorates not…