Conscious Awareness and Expanded vision

Mt. Hood

Mt. Hood

Lately I have been approaching awareness in a new, more expansive way. The first step towards living consciously with the Alexander Technique is awareness; in principle, we become aware of our habitual response to challenges which put us in the wrong. These challenges can be mental, physical, or emotional; but more importantly, becoming aware then allows us the opportunity to pause, make a choice, and insert a new and more beneficial reaction into the chain of events.

For some time I have made an effort to notice more of what is surrounding me as I walk; at the same time, effort is made to bring my attention to how I am using my physical self while putting one foot ahead of the other. But, from time to time my emotional wanderings and distractions keep me from being conscious in the moment. In order not to stumble, I try to keep very aware of this process of walking forward and up, or maybe up and forward is more accurate.

Last week I walked up the hill to beautiful Washington Park and the Japanese Garden. When I left the garden and began walking down the hill to town I noticed my gaze was taking in a much larger view than usual. The experience was more than looking out and about; I was taking in the whole spectrum, left, right, ahead, up, and down, all at once and at the same time. It was as if the world had suddenly opened up. Today as I walked across town, I experienced that same sense of space. There can be no doubt that the view had not changed from either Washington Park, the hill, or down the street a mile or so from my home. What had changed was my being aware that I have a choice to look out at the world with limited vision or with an expanded open vision. Interestingly, I also noticed when I looked out with an expanded vision my body seemed, all at once, more expansive. My step became lighter, and breath entered my total being! Hello Breath and Hello Space!

These are the early days of Fall and days will become shorter. The days are mostly filled with sunshine and the bright days make it seem very easy to feel that expansive space and light. The challenge now will be to stay conscious and aware that it is possible to look out with an open, expanded vision even on the dark, wet days. Staying conscious, I am free to choose an expanded, open vision as I look out into our world and it’s challenges. This is, indeed, good! Happy Fall!! Consciously, up and forward we go out into the world.

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