Holiday Cheer, the Good News

Gingerbread House by Marjorie

Gingerbread House by Marjorie

I just looked out the window and I see that blue sky approaches through the grey clouds. WOW! After a couple of weeks of nearly constant rain, my heart sings. But, it is the holiday season and I was smiling even before I saw blue sky approaching. First of all, because I am usually fighting SAD daily this time of year, I am thankful for each day I get up and am looking forward to the coming day, welcoming what it has to offer.

Today’s holiday gift was a card from our 92 year old friend in Virginia. We have been friends for at least 45 years. A couple of years ago I received a phone call from one of her daughters telling me, in tears, that my dear friend had suffered a massive heart attack and was not expected to live. I grieved; my heart was heavy. It was as if I was losing my mother again. Last year I made mention, on the internet, to one of her daughters, that I always remember her mom on her birthday. I was stunned at her response; my friend was not gone. She was alive and not just alive; she was walking with a cane to get stronger. I was speechless and almost breathless as well. After I stopped and allowed breath to revive me, I shouted and I truly sobbed. It was as if my mother had returned.I called her the next day. Fast forward through 2015 to today. Her card arrived with a nice newsy note. She will call when she returns from her January trip to the Bahamas with her family. Breath floods in again and I smile! Miracles do happen! The sun shines again and blue skies return!

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