One Minute at a Time

Winter at Multnomah Falls, OR

Winter at Multnomah Falls, OR

An Einstein quote to begin the New Year: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” A quote by F.M. Alexander, whose work I teach and practice, says something very similar. He said, “You can’t do something you don’t know if you keep doing what you do know.”

I read an article recently which stated that people dislike change more than most any other challenge in their lives. Yet, we know the only way to improve a challenging situation is by changing, that is, by changing our thinking and our approach by doing something different. What better time to instigate new beginnings and change than the New Year. The fact remains, it still is very difficult to change habits. We react automatically to challenges; we may think we have stopped some habit only to have it bounce right back into our lives.

Today I reacted negatively to some news; my reaction was total self-judgement and self blame. But, shortly after realizing what I was doing to myself, I allowed myself to pause and halt that judgement. Then, I was able to entertain the idea that “it” was not my fault and feel happy that there was, at least, a reasonably easy solution. The stopping gave me a chance to choose a new attitude and direction.

As your first step towards making a change this New Year try this: STOP NOW! Exhale and allow your breath to return with all it’s new energy. STOP again. Notice how you feel. Continue to stop, exhale and allow the air to return two or three more times. Each time, notice how you feel in that moment. You have now begun to make positive change in your life. You have  now begun to experience being in the moment.

As I was writing I practiced this exercise as well, just as I had earlier during my moment of self-chastisement. A wise professor once told our class, “energy creates energy.” When we stop and allow our breath to move out and in freely, the breath energy creates more energy and we are able to step up our game with vigor.

My wish for everyone this year is that you will make a new habit of inserting frequent pauses and breathing space into each day to make positive change for peace and prosperity, one moment and one day at a time.


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