
Today, two weeks past the American election and two long weeks of America’s new reality. I will attempt to write a few thoughts. When I orginally wrote this two weeks ago I was struggling; not much has changed. Omnipresent occurrences: sobbing jags, breath holding, feeling sick in my gut. Now the sobbing jags are not constant, but…

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A bit of glow from the sun is shining through our huge windows; dark grey clouds are quickly moving across the sky, soon to swallow the ray of sunshine. I can hear a bit of rain on the window. The grey and rain outside remind me so much of the grey and angst in our…

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This summer has been yet another challenge to my ability to be aware, breathe and let tension go. Such is the rhythm of hope. Sometimes it felt as if all I was saying to myself was “stop-breathe-neck free” over and over again. After six months of seriously looking for a new and brighter home, we…

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My mind is going crazy with so much stimulation; I wake up these days feeling oppressed with the reality that much of the pride I have felt about America is simply a myth. There have been hints all along that America was not formed to be truly “the land of the free” for everyone. I…

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